The Acapella Company - Walking that line

Lead: Kevin Schaffer

I will hold up my head
Proudly march where I am lead
Now that I see the way
I'm walking it day by day

I will not fear this road
Gladly I'll bear this load
And I will not think twice
Because I am walking with Christ

I'm walking that line - never look back
I'm walking that line - I'm on the right track
I'm never alone - He's holding my hand
And everything's fine cause I'm walking that line
To the promised land

Why don't you walk with me
Travel eternity
Staying within His light
Keeping the end in sight
We will not go astray
Together His will obey
And we will win the fight
We are walking with Christ


Though my feet may often stumble
I will not be down for long
He has called me to commitment
And my resolutions strong
So when satan clouds the vision
And his poison darts are thrown
I will look back at these challenges
Just to see how much I've grown
